Upper Nile leads in health service delivery

A national general health survey in the ten states indicated that Upper Nile State was leading in the basic health service delivery in South Sudan.
National Health ministry’s Planning and Budgeting Director General Richard Lino Loro Lako told journalists on Monday in Juba that preliminary findings showed that Upper Nile was the best in average of twenty six indicators including immunization.
He said states vary in performance indicators, others better in some aspects than the other.
Dr Lako added that Central Equatoria does not lead because of reluctant leadership in monitoring and evaluation of service delivery, making the analysis complex.
The Director General explained that the survey considered human resources and drugs, workers’ performance, diagnosis, health education and advice to patients, access to immunization and process indicators.
Dr Lako said the survey focused on inputs, process, access and performance indicators.
He said Jonglei State was the last in the health service delivery with the excuse of insecurity, geographical make-up and vastness.
The Director General said the health survey showed 20 percent improvement in 2014 in service delivery compared to 2011.