Tombura choirs visit Maridi Parish

A group of 85 choirs of St Mary Help of Christians Tombura Catholic Parish on Friday visited Our Lady of Fatima Maridi.
Choir representative David Bakundiri on Monday told Anisa Radio that they spent four days and interacted with their fellow brothers and sisters in Maridi.
He said the visit aimed to build good relationship and proclaim the Good News of the Lord.
Mr Bakundiri said while in Maridi, choirs toured many places including Maridi Girls Boarding Senior Secondary School and Maridi National Health Institute.
He said Tombura Parish choir managed to fill potholes of the road connecting Maridi Parish to the main road.
Tombura Yambio Catholic Bishop Barani Edwardo Hiiboro Kussala during the Eucharistic celebration in Maridi on Sunday urged both St Mary and Our Lady of Fatima parishes to reunite and rebuild their faith in Christ.
Bishop Hiboro thanked the Maridi County government for giving a land to the church for building a Secondary School in Manguo Parish.
The visit ended with friendly match where Our Lady of Fatima Football Club beat St Mary Football Club 2-0.