No hope for SPLM-N, Government peace talks in Addis Ababa

‘There is no hope for SPLM-N and Sudan government peace talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia because Khartoum is reluctant to resolve the security issue’.
These were the words of Nuba Mountains Media Secretary Chatigo Amoja Delman on Friday, Voice of Peace reported.
He said the government was unwilling to provide access to humanitarian aid agencies after long suffering of Nuba citizens.
Mr Amoja lamented that Sudan Armed Forces or SAF bombed the Nuba Mountains killing ten civilians and wounding several others, the same day peace talks began.
The Media Secretary accused President Omer Bashir of committing genocide and crimes against humanity in South Kordofan while the international Community took no any measure to protect innocent civilians.
Sudan Government and SPLM-N entered peace negotiations on Thursday.