Education College should not admit low marks’ students

Education Colleges in all public universities should not admit students who scored less marks in the national exams.
This was the view of Samson Ezekiel, chairperson of the Committee of Education, Science and Technology in the National Legislative Assembly, Bakhita Radio reported.
He said College of Education should admit those who passed with higher marks because after completing their studies in universities they will teach in various fields.
Mr Ezekiel said the criteria for admitting students into universities should be reversed.
He admitted teachers’ poor working conditions in the country.
Mr Ezekiel said said they proposed giving university students of education some incentives until they complete their studies.
He said many graduates from the college of education were running to other profession because of low pay.
Mr Ezekiel made the remarks during the validation workshop on South Sudan female teachers’ affirmative action policy 2014-2018.
The policy calls for support to female teachers.