Laziness cannot bring national development

South Sudanese need to work hard because laziness cannot realize national development.
This was the message of Archbishop of Juba Paolino Lukudu Loro on Sunday while closing the Year of Faith at Sacred Heart Kwörijik-Luri Parish.
The Archbishop said some people sit without doing anything and later when they reach home want to eat what he or she did not contribute.
He quoted St Paul as saying whoever does not work should not eat because he or she did not produce.
The Catholic prelate said the end of the Year of Faith does not mean the end of faith, but means faith’s renewal.
Archbishop Lukudu warned Christians against false prophets who prophecies about the end of the world.
He announced that all priests including the bishops of the Archdiocese were on Sunday going to Rejaf for a week long retreat.
Archbishop Lukudu called on Christians to pray for the priests during their retreat.