New El Obeid Bishop hopes for peace

The new bishop of El Obeid, Sudan, hopes for peace to come in order to be able to move and take care of his diocese.
Michael Didi Adgum Mangoria, 54, is the new bishop of El Obeid since Monday after Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Bishop Macram Max Gassis who reached retirement age in September.
Bishop Didi told CRN over the phone that he expected peace to come to his region.
He added he was concerned over the situation in Abyei.
Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Abyei, Sudan’s current hotspots, fall under the diocese of El Obeid.
Bishop Didi said he was heading one of the biggest dioceses of the world and the war was making his movements difficult during the last two years.
He explained that his appointment is a challenge but he will try to do his best.
The new Catholic Bishop of El Obeid added that his plan ‘was always to see how the people of the diocese could grow together.’