EE Religious groups train on Constitutional Review process

Religious groups attended a one-day training conference on the constitutional review process in Torit.
John Opi Severino coordinates the Peace and Justice Department at the Catholic Diocese of Torit.
He said the training enlightens the participants that will conduct discussions in Magwi, Torit and Ikwoto counties, Emmanuel Radio reported. 
Fr Opi explained that the training also aimed at involving more women in the constitutional review process. 
Margaret Idwa Okuye, the Director for Administration and Finance in state Information Ministry is a member of the core groups of the constitution review process.
Her participation, she said, was to ensure the view and interests of women were included in the permanent Constitution.
She added that women were concerned with the issue of affirmative action.
She observed that the 25 per cent of official posts for women was not enough and should work hard to achieve their demands.
The training held on Saturday attracted about 15 members of religious groups within Eastern Equatoria.