WES secondary schools debate AIDS

Secondary school students from Bangasi Academy and Kings College challenged each other this Thursday on the motion ‘Illiteracy is major cause for HIV AIDS spread in Western Equatoria State.’
Kings College initiated the discussion to share ideas and educate students on the bad effects of HIV AIDS on young people. Anisa Radio reported. 
Bangasi Acting Head master Mungufen Patrick said the aim of the debate was not just to compete and win, but to educate the students on how to protect themselves from HIV AIDS.
He added that through debate students practice their spoken English and analyzing capacities.
Mr Mungufen appreciated the administration of Kings College for having organized the debate and inviting Bangasi Academy to participate.
Jesuit Refugee Service representative Sister Elizabeth Waraga urged both schools to continue sensitizing young boys and girls to protect themselves from AIDS.
Yambio County Co-curricular inspector Moses Tunga Simon advised school girls to avoid wearing mini-skirts because it attracts men and they end up getting HIV AIDS.