MSF appeals for refugees’ care

A medical charity called on humanitarian partners to care for thousands of Sudanese refugees arriving in South Sudan.
MSF-Spain Head of Mission in South Sudan Juan Felipe Espinosa told CRN on Thursday that his organization was taking care of the refugees’ health needs.
He urged other partners to cater for their food, shelter and education.
Mr Espinosa estimated that 2,500 Sudanese refugees poured into Upper Nile State since July 2013.
2,370 have registered with the refugee authorities.
The head of Mission expressed difficulties in accessing the total of refugees.
Mr Espinosa said Sudanese fled to South Sudan to access food and medicines lacking in Southern Kordofan.
He foresaw that the influx of Sudanese refugees to the country will increase.
MSF-Spain is currently operating mobile clinic services in Lelo and Gholo areas of Upper Nile State.