Tombura-Yambio celebrates St Comboni Day

Tombura-Yambio Catholic Diocese on Thursday celebrated the tenth anniversary of St Daniel Comboni in Nzara Parish.
Presiding over the holy mass, Bishop Edward Hiiboro Kussala urged students of Comboni Primary in Nzara to work hard like their patron and behave well at home and school, Anisa Radio reported.
He appreciated Comboni sisters in Nzara Parish for the good service they are rendering to the local community, encouraging them to continue serving the diocese.
The Bishop appealed to the community to care for one another and fight against hunger.
Vicar-General Anthony Bangoye urged people to respect leaders, priests and teachers.
He urged Christians to believe in God rather than practicing witchcraft. 
A Comboni sister assured Christians of their full cooperation in the name of St Daniel wishing them a happy feast.