Yei, Morobo farmers told to form groups

Yei River County Assistant Agriculture Commissioner on Thursday told farmers in Yei and Morobo counties of Central Equatoria State to form groups to boost rice production.
Edmond Taban Gogo said farmers should be in consistent groups, coordinate with agriculture extension workers and keep their seeds to avoid buying from time to time, Easter Radio reported.
He said the farmers should also cooperate with agricultural department to get technical knowledge in production and marketing. 
One of the farmers Emmanuel Latio said they benefited from the procedures of forming groups and starting a group work to avoid conflicts.
He expressed farmers’ readiness to work as a solid block.
Nearly 70 farmers from Morobo and Yei Counties participated in a two-day rice management and quality production training.
The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa in collaboration with the national ministry of Agriculture organised the training.