KVC to boost entrepreneurhip in South Sudan

A company known as Kinyeti Venture Capital or KVC is planning to boost the South Sudan entrepreneurs by giving loans to small and medium business persons. 
Senior Investment Manager David Mithika said the mandate of his company was to support the small and medium enterprises business persons to access finance, Bakhita Radio reported. 
He said they are giving loans between 100 thousand to one million US dollars.
Mr Mithika explained that currently the company is operating in Equatoria states, supporting projects including health, education, aviation, hospitality and manufacturing industries.
Mr Mithika said the requirement is that the businessperson come up with a viable business plan to access loans.
He said the loans period ranges from three to five years.
The manager added that the money can also be borrowed as a equity investment where the company become part of the venture.
Kinyeti Venture Capital started its operation in South Sudan since 2012 in the Equatoria states to finance and boost small and medium enterprises.