Demolition Committee discusses Yei town demarcation

A 17-member committee tasked to perform demolition and demarcate Yei River County on Thursday discussed ways for implementing the exercise.
Yei Town Payam Director Alfati Morgan, who heads the committee told Easter Radio after the meeting that the committee came up with a number of policies to carry out the exercise.
He explained that after the swearing in of the members, they would start mapping the town.
Mr Morgan said for government to deliver effectively health, electricity and water services to people, roads have to be put properly.
He told residents who settled in government reserved lands to quit the areas without complain before it was too late.
Yei Town Boma Acting chief Alfred Sebit Aligo said the town needs demarcation for permanent construction.
He said after demarcation, the government would easily and efficiently deliver services to its citizens.
Ephraim Jomo Michael a committee member urged Yei citizens to cooperate with the committee while implementing the demolition exercise.
He claimed that the people of Yei were waiting for the demarcation of areas.
The committee did not specify the demolition day.