JICA trains Juba River Port Administration

Japan International Cooperation Agency or JICA in collaboration with the Juba River Port Administration is today conducting a training seminar on river port services. 
The seminar aimed at enhancing operation and management capacity of inland waterways in South Sudan.
The training will provide information on port services at the Juba River Port and the White Nile River transport services for port customers.
The seminar will focus on the development and capacity improvement of the Juba Port Administration, effective cargo handling at the port, shipping services and fees, port services, and port regulations. 
The seminar will also cover the river port bill, current and future road connectivity to South Sudan ports. 
The seminar is expected to bring together officials from national Ministry of Transport, Roads and Bridges, Central Equatoria State Ministry of Physical Infrastructure, donors
and other stakeholders.
Cargo consigners, shipping companies, motorboat owners, trucking companies, and cargo loaders are also expected to participate in the seminar.