Police cuts down manga-ten in Tonj South

Police cut down two mango trees known in Arabic language manga-ten in Tonj South County of Warrap State.
Police Officer Hassein Benjamin said youths want to make manga-ten as a place for rape and crimes, Don Bosco reported.
He said manga-ten was a gathering place for youths to waste time playing dominoes, watching video, drinking beer and smoking shisha.
Mr Bejamin said cutting down of manga-ten was to stop rapes, robbing and get out criminals from the town.
He said last week they got a report of one lady raped by unknown men at the river Tonj taken from manga-ten.
Deputy police commissioner William Deng Wol urged all the video users to stop watching it at 10:00 PM and warned that any person found watching video or walking around 10: 00 PM will be termed a criminal.