Wau trains over 50 football coaches

Wau in Western Bahr El Ghazal state on Friday began a ten-day preliminary training for 53 football coaches from Greater Bahr El Ghazal.
Coach Elia Joseph Hassan said the training aimed to prepare coaches to get national training license, Voice of Hope reported.
He explained that the training will greatly improve the standard of football in the country.
Mr Joseph regretted absence of participants from Lakes and Northern Bahr el Ghazal States especially Raja county due to lack of transport.
One of the participants Arnesta Farajallah said the training was important for coaches to work professionally.
She added that the ladies participating in the training will help Wau Girls Football team to represent South Sudan.
The training under the theme: ‘Coaches, essential to develop football in South Sudan’ is the first of its kind after the country gained independence.