The Government of South Sudan condemned the attack against a pipeline in Difra, North Abyei, and denied supporting Darfur rebels.

Government spokesperson Barnaba Marial Benjamin issued the statement at the end of Friday’s ordinary cabinet sitting.

Sudan accused South Sudan of aiding the Darfur Justice and Equality Movement or JEM to blow up an oil pipeline in Difra.

Dr Marial said the Government is not supporting any rebels in the Sudan.

He denied that JEM had a base in Unity State as the Sudanese information minister said.

Dr Marial noted that there is no record of any connection between the SPLA and JEM.

He added that the Darfuri rebels were armed by late Colonel Kaddafi of Libya and by Chad.

Dr Marial noted that Difra is controlled by the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei, the Sudanese army and police, armed Misseriya nomads and the Popular Defence Forces.

The Government spokesperson explained that South Sudan is entitled to 42 percent of the oil produced in Abyei and it would not make any sense to attack the pipeline that benefits both countries.

Dr Marial said South Sudan wants the oil to continue to flow from its wells in Unity and Upper Nile states and Abyei.