Pamany and Pan Nguetkur sections of Amokpiny Payam in Rumbek Central County, Lakes State, signed a peace deals in Cuei Adukan putting a stone over five years of conflict that led to the loss of many lives and property and displacement.

Madding Malualyom, an MP representing the Payam at the State Assembly, told Good News Radio that the quarrel between these two sections caused much damage and it was time for them to come together to reconcile and live as brothers and sisters.

He said after the reconciliation and peace conference nothing bad should happen between these two sub-clans.

MP Malualyom explained that the Pan-Nguet-kur and Pamany sections fought each other for last five years and both sides lost people in the conflict.

He added that the quarrel made many people of Panguet Kur to abandon their homes and run for safety in Amothnhom.

Youth from Amokpiny and the local chiefs led the peace and reconciliation initiative.