One hundred and ten returnees landed on Thursday in Rumbek coming from Malakal.

Relief and Rehabilitation Commission-Lakes State field officer Santinho Manguak Mathiang told Good News Radio on Friday that the returnees, mostly women and children, belonged to 37 families.

Mr Manguak said the Commission in association with UN relief agencies, Save the Children and ACROSS, were resettling the returnees at Rumbek Way Station providing for their basic needs.

He said a new group of returnees from Renk was expected on Monday in Rumbek.

Returnee Helena Adut Mading expressed happiness for returning home after a long time.

She said she survived for two years in Khartoum washing cloths for Arab families.

Ms Adut was happy that Lakes State wais peaceful again.

She thanked Caretaker Governor Matur Chut Dhuol for restoring stability in the state.

The International Organization for Migration or IOM flew the returnees from Malakal to Rumbek.