The College of Cardinals decided on Friday evening during the eighth general congregation that the Conclave, the secret process to elect a new Pope, starts on Tuesday afternoon.

On Tuesday morning, all the cardinals will celebrate the mass for the election of the Pope in Saint Peter’s Basilica.

In the afternoon, the 115 voting Cardinals enter the Sistine Chapel to start the procedures to elect a successor to Benedict the Sixteenth by taking a vote of secrecy.

They are not allowed to tell anyone of what happened during the election process.

During the Conclave, the 115 voting cardinals stay inside the Vatican and are not allowed to communicate with anyone using whatever means.

The cardinals are expected to take a ballot on Tuesday evening.

On the other days, the Cardinals can hold four ballots per day during three days. If no one is elected they will have a day of prayer and meditation before starting a new series of ballots.

The Pope is elected with a two thirds majority.