To bring a culture of peace to South Sudan it is like training scorpions not to sting, it looks impossible but is possible to remove enmity from people’s hearts.

This is the view Bishop Paride Taban shared with CRN upon his return from Geneva-Switzerland where he received the Peace Prize Sergio Vieira de Mello from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on March 1 for his Kuron Peace Village initiative.

Bishop Taban said it was possible to change a culture of violence and raiding into a culture of peace and love inside the human heart.

He added that the Kuron Peace Village pacified the region making possible to travel, graze cattle and live together.

Bishop Taban said Kuron Peace Village brought a culture of friendship to a complicated area of Eastern Equatoria.

He explained that the community police are able to monitor stolen cattle and send them to their owners with the help of UNMISS, controlling the youth.

Bishop Yaban said the representative of the Vatican at the UN in Geneva, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, congratulated him for uplifting the Catholic Church through the Holy Trinity Kuron Peace Village.