FAO, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Êsaid some 2,500 cattle are estimated to have died of Haemorrhagic Septicaemia disease just in two months in Twic East, Duk and Bor Counties of Jonglei State.

FAO Head of Office Sue Lautze said after a visit to the affected counties that the mortality from the disease is very apparent in some cattle camps in Jonglei.

Jonglei State Acting Director General of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Mary Gordon, in January asked FAO to assist in responding to the outbreak in Lith payam in Twic East.

FAO responded quickly, mobilising partners and resources.

Twenty thousand doses of vaccine were sent to Bor, Twic East and Duk Counties.

Vaccinators from the State Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries, FAO and Veterinarians Sans Frontieres reached more than 50,000 cattle of the 100,000 targeted for vaccination.

Blood samples were taken from a number of cattle in the three counties and results of the analysis expected next week.