Wau Teaching Hospital started operating patients suffering from fistula in order to devolve their dignity.

The campaign that started on Wednesday is organized by the State Ministry of Health in collaboration with UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, Voice of Hope reported.

On Thursday, the two institutions organized a march through Wau streets engaging secondary school and health institution students to encourage women to attend antenatal care and deliver at health facilities.

Amelia Ujang Ufoyo Ð a fistula patient Ð addressed the crowd. She said her journey with fistula started in 1975, when she was still a young girl.

Mama Amelia went for treatment to Khartoum but was unsuccessful. In Juba, doctors refused to operate her because her blood was not enough.

She said she was ready for surgery to put an end to her misery.

Wau Teaching Hospital General Director James Ukelo Morgan told the crowd that 45 patients had already registered for the surgery.

Dr Ukelo said fistula degrades women and sometimes leads to divorce.

He urged women to take the opportunity to get cured though a simple surgery.

Dr. Ukelo said doctors and trained nurses will take special care of patients after surgery.

He thanked the agencies that sponsored the operation project to preserve the health of mothers in the country.

UNFPA representative Simon Dada revealed that annually there are between 50 to 100 thousands cases of fistula worldwide due to lack of health facilities.

Mr Dada urged the Government to legislate in order to protect girls and women from early marriage and delivery outside health facilities.

Wau Teaching Hospital registered 45 cases of Fistula in the Bahr Ghazal region.

The administration is expecting up to 14 more cases from Upper Nile and an unknown number from Aweil.

The medical operations on Fistula will continue for another two weeks in Wau and it is free of charge.