Members of Lakes State Assembly were urged to use composure to lobby for a place in the specialized committees instead of quarrelling with one another.

MP Tarban Abel Aguak representing Awerial County told Good News Radio on Friday that it was the right of all lawmakers to vie for vacant posts of the heads of specialized committees in the House.

He advised MPs to use calm and integrity while lobbying for the positions.

MP Tarban recalled that the MPs’ main task is to represent voters.

He advised the parliamentarians not to strangle for power through quarrels.

MP Tarban supported the Speaker’s decision to dissolve the specialized committees.

He said it was time to review the work done by the heads of specialized committees and leave those who did not have a positive impact.

MP Tarban appealed to the public to monitor the performances of MPs though the media.

He argued that the public was in a total blackout about the Assembly’s works.

Last week, Lakes State Legislative Assembly passed the Code of Business Conduct.

This week, Speaker John Marik Makur dissolved all the 16 heads of specialized committees.

MPs are vying to fill the vacant positions.