The schools in the Nuba Mountains lost over one hundred teachers due to the war that started in June of 2011.

Many teachers ran to Yida, in South Sudan, and to other neighbouring countries to seek refuge.

Regional Director General for Education Kutti Ernesto Afjan said education remains a battle to be won in Juba Mountains.

He added that the authorities are determined to overcome all the challenge facing education.

Mr Ernesto said the liberated areas need qualified and resourceful teachers to carry out education programmes.

He added that teachers were the backbone of the education system.

Mr Ernesto said education lost a big support from NGOs, churches and the community due to the war.

He added that local people are too poor and hungry to support education.

Mr Ernesto appealed to teachers to return to the SPLA-North controlled areas for children to receive the education they need to face the future.