Lakes State Minister for Education has saidÊ the General Education Bill that was passed last month by National Legislative Assembly will bring opportunities for children in South Sudan.

Athian Majak Malou told Good News Radio on Tuesday that the Bill gives opportunities of free, compulsory primary education, consideration for children with special needs and girl child education.

He said the Bill will strictly apply to parents who do not take their children to school.

Athian said the law prohibits corporal punishment insisting that there are different ways of instilling discipline in a child apart from physical beating.

He said the Bill also regulates teachers against sexual misconduct with students.

Athian added that there will be special consideration for girls during enrollment in the higher institutions of learning.

The Minister said the major challenge in the education sector is lack of qualified teachers and classrooms as many children study under the trees.

He said the new Bill provides budgetary allocation for education from the national revenue to address the challenges.

The Minister promised that the financial part of the General Education would be implemented after austerity measures.