The national minister for humanitarian affairs and disaster management warned that flooding has become a major crisis in the lower grounds of South Sudan.

Joseph Lual Acuiel told journalists on Saturday in Juba that Bar El Ghazal, Warrap, Lakes, Unity, Jonglei and Upper Nile states were terribly affected by floods.

He added that people had nowhere to go because the whole area was flooded and were living on roads.

The minister called on partners to come up with a humanitarian plan of action as most of the states are cut off by the floods.

Mr Lual said many returnees were stuck in Upper Nile and the agencies could not access them due to too much water.

He added that if the aid agencies did not rally very fast to the crisis, the challenges might top up.

Mr Lual said floods are affecting the efforts of citizens who heeded the call to till the land.

He added that if the floods do not spoil the crops, South Sudan will have a good harvest.