Ex-combatants are entitled to receive basic skills to earn a living after they leave the army.

The statement comes from the head of the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) Programme in Upper Nile, Michael Akumute, Voice of Love reported.

Mr Akumute told a meeting attended by different groups of people including Church leaders that the DDR programme for ex-combatants is a cornerstone of the overall peace process contributing to national security, development and sustainable peace.

Over 12,500 soldiers were demobilized since the signing of the Comprehensive Pace Agreement in 2005 and 10,800 others were reintegrated and received necessary assistance.

Mr Akumute said one of primary outcomes of the DDR process rests with national and local actors who are ultimately accountable for the peace, security and development.

DDR Upper Nile State Director David Jal Nyang said the commission is calling for proposal targeting the provision of basic skills to over 2,800 ex-combatants who did not receive reintegration assistance in different states of South Sudan.

He added that these ex-combatants will be trained in the fields of their choice.