The UN refugee agency has announced positive results in the search for water at two camps in Upper Nile State marred by water shortages.

UNHCR Representative in South Sudan, Mireille Girard, said two boreholes have recently been tested and found to have high yield.

A third has showed promise during the development phase.

Yusuf Batil is the newest of three refugee sites in Maban County home to some 18,000 refugees who have recently been relocated from transit points closer to the border.

Ms Girard said UNHCR is drilling more boreholes.

She added that water specialist has identified a backup system to provide from a nearby shallow water source water using a jet drilling technique.

She explained the new water sources would be enough to receive the remaining 14,000 refugees still at Kilo 18 transit site.

UNHCR wants to move the Sudanese refugees to a safer place away from the disputed border.