The commissioner of Yei River County paid a visit to Christ the King Elementary School, in Yei to encourage pupils to maintain they excellent results.

David Juma Augustine was warmly received by the pupils and staff of the primary and nursery schools, Radio Easter reported.

He told the pupils he wanted to find out ways to boost the school’s moral.

He praised them for the excellent results they got so far in the national exams, putting Yei among the best students in the country.

Mr Juma said he was proud to be an old pupil of Christ the King and thanked the administrators for the work well done.

The parish priest of Christ the King Tom Poru appreciated the commissioner’s visit.

He added that this was the first the highest authority in the county visited the school.

Fr Poru coordinates all the schools in Christ the King-Yei Parish.

Diocesan secretary general Emmanuel Lodongo welcomed the commissioner.

He said the visit represented a remarkable day in the history of Christ the King Primary School.

Fr Lodongo added that the pupils were blessed to have a commissioner who studied in their school.