The National Bureau of Statistics has launched the South Sudan Statistical Year Book 2011 indicating that enrolment for primary education has gone up to 40 percent and over two thirds of the population live in very poor housing conditions.

The statistics bureau produced another two other publications: National Baseline Household Survey 2009 and County South Sudan Poverty Estimates at County Levels 2008.

National Bureau Statistics Deputy Chairperson John Maciek Acuoth presented the publications this morning in Juba.

He said the Year Book is in its third year and the publication has improved.

David Chan Thiang, Director of Economics and Statistics, explained to CRN that the key findings concern education, health, water and sanitation, agriculture and livelihood.

He said 80 percent of South Sudanese do not have toilets, and 82 percent lives in grass thatched huts and 68.7 percent households have improved drinking water sources.

He added that school enrolment has gone up by 40 percent and 69 percent work on farming.

Mr Chan said the Government is not using the statistics the Bureau is providing in order to allocate resources according to the indicators.

He added that the National Bureau for statistics cannot force the Government to use the information while preparing budgets.

Mr Chan praised development partners for making good use of their data while planning their activities.

National Finance Minister Kosti Manibe announced yesterday at his budget presentation speech in the parliament that the County Development Grant will now be allocated to each county on per capita basis and the population’s needs.