South Sudan boarder security personnel arrested Western Bahr El-Ghazal SPLM state secretariat deputy chairperson in suspicious circumstances.

Anthony Joseph Mbandu was arrested at the boarder with the Central African Republic near Tombura and was transported to Wau on Thursday.

Angelo Taban Biajo, the acting state information minister, told Voice of Hope that the deputy chairperson was arrested at the border of Central African Republic and Western Equatoria state with other four Ambororo nomads on an SPLM-owned vehicle.

He added that Mr Mbandu went to the border in an unknown mission although he claimed that he went to buy cassava seedlings.

Mr Taban said the area where Mr Mbandu was arrested is used by the Ugandan rebels of the Lord’s Resistance Army.

He added that the Ambororo nomads were expelled last year from Western Bahr El Ghazal because they sided with the LRA and caused havoc in the State.

Mr Taban commented that it was not clear what Mr Mbandu was doing in such suspicious corner with Ambororo tribesmen.

The Western Bahr El-Ghazal SPLM deputy chairperson was handed to the state security in Wau for investigation.

The state SPLM secretariat office in Wau could not be reached for an official statement.