Boda-boda riders have refuted allegations that they are the main source of road accidents in Juba.

Many citizens in Juba condemn poor and over speeding riding of boda-bodas in the capital and accuse them of being the main source of accidents in Juba.

Boda-boda rider James told Bakhita Radio that he and his colleagues are not the major cause of road accidents, but mostly victims of accidents.

He admits that boda-boda riders should be occasionally blamed for road accidents in Juba but not always.

He said most accidents happen in town because drivers do not respect motorcyclists.

He questioned whether the road is only for car drivers.

Abdurrahman Musa said drivers of big cars and trucks do not respect boda-boda riders and small vehicles.

He added that boda-boda riders are always blamed for any accident involving drivers and motorists.

Anyal Anyaliba is a traffic officer. He said some drivers and motorists do not cooperate and some officers are not well behaved either.

He revealed that boda-boda riders sometimes risk their lives by squeezing between cars.

Mr Anyal added that over speeding and poor riding mostly involves boda-boda riders into accidents.

Bodaboda riders are widely blamed for many accidents involving cars and motorbikes in Juba.