Violence against women and girls has increased in Wau as five youths were accused of allegedly raping a 15-year old girl at Khor Mudir.

Director of Criminal Investigation Department Manyuat Angong told Voice of Hope on Wednesday that three men who were alleged to have raped the underage girl are under investigation at Wau Police station.

They also stole her mobile phone and 35 pounds.

The director added that the alleged culprits are aged between 18 and 20.

Mr Angong explained that the suspects are in the prison while investigations take place and the case will be taken to court if there is enough evidence.

He added that since the beginning of January 85 cases of violence against women were reported, including rape and forced marriages.

The CID director said some areas where young people hide will be removed and patrolling will increase to check on suspects.

Mr Angong urged the community to fight against the vice of rape.

He invited parents to teach their children about the dangers related to lust.