Chiefs of Eastern Equatoria have decried lack of consultation during the elaboration of the State Transitional Constitution and the exclusion of customary laws from the Charter.

Budi County paramount chief Lino Aturimoi told Radio Emmanuel that the communities were not consulted during the process to prepare the transitional Constitution.

He said the fundamental law of the State lacks most aspects of customary laws.

Chief Aturimoi suggested the inclusion of customary laws from the various tribes in Eastern Equatoria as the ancestors used them to guide the people.

Lafon-Lopa County Paramount chief Salvatore Odonge said the State Transitional Constitution should be amended for errors.

He appreciated the involvement of chiefs in the making of the final Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan but stressed that it was important to consult the grassroots communities.

Chief Odonge said the mistake of 1947 Juba conference when the chiefs decided for the people of South Sudan should not be repeated.

The chiefs made these statements at the end of a people’s dialogue on the permanent Constitution that was organized by the Civil Society Coalition with Justice-Africa and the Catholic Diocese of Torit.

Over 60 participants including chiefs, representatives of civil society organizations, faith groups and government officials attended the dialogue that ended today.