Victim from inter-communal attacks in Pibor County of Jonglei State are still in need of medical attention and many remain in hiding without proper health care.
MSF Belgium deputy head of mission in South Sudan Jean Marc Jacob told CRN that many people were treated from wounds and other injuries sustained in the attacks.He said that a number of people are still coming out of the bush and they did not have access to health care.
Mr Jacob added that large numbers of people are being treated from malaria and malnutrition.
MSF has opened an outreach clinic in Likwangole and Gumuruk payams.
Mr Jacob said MSF is providing basic to health care in Pibor.
He added that many people are still in hiding especially in Likwangole and are not coming to the clinic to get the treatment they need.
Mr Jacob said MSF-Belgium cannot provide health care if people do not come to the clinic to get the services they need.
He said many people are still coming out of the bushed to get the basic needs to meet their conditions.