The University of Rumbek will reopen next week with the registration of second year students while the first year students are expected to report next month.

Acting Vice Chancellor Michael Maker Mangony told the press at the university campus that the institution reopens next Wednesday for the second year students only.

He explained that the university does not have yet accommodation facilities and lecture halls to welcome the 630 first year students.

He added that the first year students may report by the end of next month.

Prof. Maker said 372 first year students are returnees who are admitted in special conditions.

The other candidates are from the general intake and have to follow rules from the National Admission Committee.

Prof. Maker revealed plans to construct three campuses for the university of veterinary, medical sciences and a residence for lecturers.

The main campus will be at Abinajok, south of Rumbek.

Prof. Maker also said lecturers from the Sudan willing to continue teaching at Rumbek University will have to comply with the rules and regulations of the Republic of South Sudan.