Eastern Equatoria Assembly adjourned to Monday an important vote on the Land and Public Utility Bill after tough discussions on land taxes.

The new taxes for acquiring land and or to approve building plans were the touchy issues on table at the House, Emmanuel Radio reported.

Speaker Ambrose Emmanuel Ocholimoi remarked that some of the charges were not practical.

Mr. Ocholimoi questioned the ability of low income citizens to afford building in Torit if the costs of land and taxes remained that high.

MP Robert Okumu from Magwi County wondered through the Speaker whether the cost of plots stipulated in the Bill also applies to other counties in the state.

Various MPs raised concerns about the Land and Public Utility Bill 2011 that is still under debate.

The House agreed that people who acquire plots should be compelled to use the land appropriately within a given time.

Those who fail to develop their plots will face charges.

People who refuse to pay penalties will have their land title revoked and the land confiscated.