The Superior of the Eastern Africa Province of the Society of Jesus has denied one of his priests permission to assume responsibility as administrator of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek.

Jesuit Salvador Ferr‹o was elected one week ago by a council of priests to govern the diocese of Rumbek following the sudden death of Bishop Caesar Mazzolari until the Vatican appoints a new bishop.

On Tuesday, Fr. Ferr‹o expressed readiness to assume this responsibility if the provincial superior gave his consent.

Fr. Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator wrote yesterday to Archbishop Paolino Lokudu Loro of Juba saying he regretfully decided not to allow Fr. Ferr‹o to assume responsibility as diocesan administrator.

The Jesuit provincial requested Archbishop Lukudu to take the necessary steps to provide leadership for the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek within the provisions of Canon Law.

He explained that his decision was fruit of prayerful reflection and due consideration.

The Law of the Church says that a college of consultors should elect a diocesan administrator within eight days of receiving notification of the vacancy of an Episcopal see.

If, for any reason, the diocesan Administrator is not lawfully elected within the prescribed time, his appointment devolves upon the Metropolitan.

Archbishop Lukudu is the Metropolitan of the Catholic Church in South Sudan.