Some areas of Nuba Mountains are still experiencing the terror of air attacks and people spend the nights in caves and on hilltops to escape indiscriminate bombardments by Sudanese air force.

James Kodi, a resident of Kuwalib in Delami County, said his area is still being attacked by the Antonovs.

Two weeks ago one university student was killed by a bomb.

Fifteen goats and one cow were also destroyed.

Mr. Kodi added that on Sunday the planes attacked again killing one soldier.

The bomb killed also some animals.

Kurchi village of Umm Darain has been also under aerial strikes since the beginning of the war in South Kordofan in June 5.

A local resident said airplanes are still bombing the area and the number of displaced increased.

She said the Antonovs now attack during suppertime and people take to the hills during the night for protection.

She added that last Saturday 14 people were killed and eight injured when Kurchi market place was bombed.

She complained that attacks are making life very uncomfortable.

The security situation in Nuba Mountains remains unpredictable.