Journalists in Juba gathered yesterday at the New Sudan Hotel to commemorate the World Press Freedom Day under the theme Free Media for Democratic Governance.

The theme was chosen to rhyme with the current events in South Sudan mainly the upcoming declaration of independence.

In a press release, the Union of Journalists of South Sudan said this year’s celebration in Juba is aimed at reminding governments of the need to respect their commitment to press freedom.

The statement highlighted the recent arrests and harassment of journalists from the Citizen staff together with their editor.

Meanwhile, Dr Alastair McPhaile, Consul General of the United Kingdom in Juba, said in a press release that freedom of expression is fundamental to building a strong and stable democracy.

He added that all citizens, including journalists, must be allowed to discuss and debate issues, to challenge their governments and make informed decisions.

He called on the Government of South Sudan to uphold these principles, and to respond to legitimate aspirations with reform not repression.