A team of seven South Sudan members of parliament started in Eastern Equatoria the inspection of “dura” stores in the region.

Deng Dau Deng, the team leader, told the press yesterday that the select committee follows an oversight resolution of the Parliament to verify the “dura” stores in South Sudan, Emmanuel Radio reported.

He said the team started the inspection in Eastern Equatoria and will extend the exercise to all the other states of South Sudan.

Mr. Dau said the select committee will verify the “dura” stores, their standards, and meet with state government officials including the governor and ministers.

The team visited already some areas outside Torit and will reach more places including Magwi County.

Mr. Dau said the stores were built using public money and the Assembly has the right to find out how the funds have been used.

Dura stores were constructed two years ago for strategic food reserves following the threat of hunger that hit the entire south Sudan.

In Eastern Equatoria, stores were built in all the eight counties and are being used to stock relief food aid.