The Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio has passed 11 resolutions that constitute its pastoral and social plan of action for 2011.

Forty six priests, major seminarians, religious and lay people together with Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro concluded yesterday a three-day Diocesan Pastoral Council Meeting in Nzara.

Fr. Ignatius Mborihenga told SCR News over the phone that the participants reviewed last year’s pastoral and social activities and passed 11 motions that form the plan of action for the current year.

He added that resolution number one asks for the preparation of church leaders to combat HIV-Aids pandemic in the diocese.

The participants supported the formation of a committee to promote the centenary celebrations of the diocese of Yambio next year.

They decided to establish Justice and Peace Committees at parish level and use Small Christian Communities to deepen evangelization and ask the parishes to promote and support vocations.

Fr. Ignatius said Western Equatoria Governor Bangassi Joseph Mario Bakosoro paid a visit to the meeting and encouraged the participants to follow the lead from the old missionaries and use agricultural projects to promote income generating programmes.

Bishop Hiiboro today met with women and men religious working in the diocese.