South Sudan legislators started a series of workshops on decentralization models of governance for the new country.

Senior researcher at Max Planck Institute, Kathrin Maria Scherr, told SCR News that the question of decentralization was important for the future of South Sudan.

She said the workshop aimed at outlining comparative models of decentralization and the setting of structures in federal countries all over the world.

Dr. Scherr added the workshops will provide the participants with a general overview and look at options that are relevant to South Sudan as it prepares to write its permanent Constitution.

Henry Omai Akolawich, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee for Economy, Development and Finance, said the House signed an agreement with the Max Planck Institute to conduct a cycle of workshops on the Constitution and Federalism.

He added the MPs were enlightened on issues of decentralization and federalism system.

Mr. Omai said it was also important to learn about fiscal federalism and how states and the federal governments share revenues in federal system of governance.