Most priests working in the archdiocese of Juba celebrated the mass this morning with their archbishop and assistant bishop to renew their commitment to the ministry.

Almost 40 priests, including diocesan clergy, missionaries, religious and visitors, took part in the Chrismal Mass this morning at St. Teresa’s Cathedral in Kator, Juba, to renew their commitment to the priestly service in the presence of archbishop Paolino Lukudu Loro and assistant bishop Santo Loku Pio.

Archbishop Lukudu said during the homily that the mass in which he blessed the holy oils to be used in baptism, confirmation, ordination and the sick, marked the beginning of the three most important days of Christian life that conclude with Easter.

He added that the priests’ renewal of their pastoral commitment represented a kind of re-ordination and the Chrismal mass displayed the priests’ communion with the archbishop.

Archbishop Lukudu told the priests that they are abunas of Jesus Christ. He urged those committed to other lives to come back to the priesthood.

He said he suffered seeing priests living double lives outside the priesthood.