States finance directors and administrators are under-going a three day training in financial transfer systems to increase their skills in improving the welfare of the local people.
Director of southern Sudan Fiscal, Financial Allocation and Monitoring Commission, Ayul Abuol told SCR News that Southern Sudan embraced a decentralized government systems that needs certain financial set-ups.

Mr. Abuol explained that federalism in southern Sudan could be strengthened through good governance, rule of law and fair financial allocation. Mr. Aboul noted that such trainings ensure to address financial pitfalls in order to bring about stability in southern Sudan.

Dr. V.N.Alok, Associate professor of Public Finance at the Indian Institute of Public Administration told SCR News that inter- governmental monetary systems of Sudan and southern Sudan were simple and outdated. Mr. Alok said that they failed to realize and recognize inequality in the different governmental bodies in southern Sudan, and most importantly the interests of the citizen.

Southern Sudan regions are unequally endowed with resources. The government of southern Sudan needs to come a new frame work that would ensure equitable distribution of wealth to all the states of southern Sudan for balance development.