The new government for South Sudan announced yesterday will have the referendum as its main concern and centre of activities.

Dr. Anne Itto, a SPLM official and member of the new Government of Southern Sudan, told the press today in Juba that the new executive is a referendum cabinet.

She added that road to the referendum was not all milk and honey.

Dr. Itto said the NCP is de-campaigning for the referendum and instigating and supporting conflicts among southerners to saw suspicion.

She appointed two major obstacles to the referendum: disunity and low turnout.

She added that in the elections only two states reached a participation of over 60 percent, the number of voters needed to validate the referendum.

Dr. Itto said the SPLM would keep its promise to secure that the people of South Kordofan and Blue Nile states would have their popular consultation before the Interim Period ends in July 9, 2011.