Over twenty Ugandan traders in Jebel Market were severely beaten by un-known robbers last night.

Seven traders confirmed to SCR News that the beating has been on for the last four months.

Amin Kamuregeya whose mouth was injured said a group of Murle and soldiers with pistols beat him in Jebel market at around 8:00 pm.

Kisutu Godfrey, who sustained injuries in the head, said he met a group of youths at around 8:00pm who hit his head hard with a stone.

He explained that he was unable to count them but estimated they were about a dozen.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, another trader who incurred several injuries due to the ropes used to beat him, said the group is suspected to be supported by army officials.

He explained that an army official appeared at Malakia police station where some of the culprits were detained and they were released with no charges.