Pupils from primary schools in Rumbek, Lakes State, spoke about challenges they faced like early child marriage as they took part in the celebration of Day of the African Child.

A pupil from Mabor Ngap Primary School said that as children they wanted their rights respected in order to protect what she described as their interests in school.

Ms. Mabor appealed to the Government of Southern Sudan and Non Governmental Organizations operating in Lakes State to commit themselves to promoting a special budget for school-going children, ensuring proper planning that would guarantee learning material, health facilities, food, among others.

She condemned early girl marriage, explaining that it denied girls an opportunity for education.

Ajiok Mayuom, a pupil at Agergum Primary School, joined her colleague to condemn early marriage of girls saying it was a concern of many pupils.

Ms. Ajiok blamed parents for the practice of early marriage of girls, adding that she was confident that her own parents would not force her out of school for marriage.

She begged parents to support the education of their daughters, arguing that there was more to gain from education than in early marriage.

Pupils from four schools out of fourteen in Rumbek turned up at Freedom Square yesterday to celebrate the Day of the African Child together with parents and NGO and government representatives.