Citizens need modern education if they have to build their nation.

This is the position of Philip Gachube, an educationist training teachers for the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek.

Mr. Gachube told Good News Radio today that education prepared people for life, adding that a nation was built by citizens with modern education and that Southern Sudan required an educated population.

Mr. Gachube applauded the South Sudan government for the initiatives it was taking to have everyone educated through the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP).

He explained that the program targeted those who missed out opportunities in formal education, especially adults.

Mr. Gachube said eight teachers turned up in Mapurodit and 12 in Agangrial for the ALP training.

He revealed that virtually all teachers involved in ALP also teach at mainstream primary schools.

He added it was the way to tap in the locally available human resources although it was demanding on the teachers.

Mr. Gachube expressed appreciation for both students and teachers, praising their enthusiasm for the education programme.

Mr. Gachule made these statements after his return from Agangrial where he facilitated a ALP workshop.